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  • #464270

    After updating to version 3.2 my menu widget that is used as side menu became corrupted.

    I have found out that your developing team had added #top value to the numerous elements in layout.css and now my child theme’s style.css or even Quick CSS cannot substitute these elements any more… even after adding old layout.css to my child theme folder… even after adding #top. Just a little piece of code from the new layout.css:

    #top .widget_nav_menu .nested_nav{
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu li a {
      padding: 0.8em 3px;
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu li a:hover,
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu ul:first-child>.current-menu-item, 
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu ul:first-child>.current_page_item{
      /* background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4); */
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu li {
      /* background-color: transparent; */
      /* margin: 0; */
      /* padding:0; */
      /* border-bottom-style: solid; */
      /* border-bottom-width: 1px; */
    #top .content .flex_column .widget_nav_menu li:first-child {
      /* border-top-style: solid; */
      /* border-top-width: 1px; */

    Of course, I will replace layout.css with my old one and never update it (and it can cause problems in the future), but I would like to propose to your developing team not to use the methods of the last chance to make modifications because there are your clients that will modify theme later. For example, developers can use #header instead of #top, it works most of the time. And, of course, the support team will have less headache.

    Sorry for being emotional.


    Hey Egorro!

    Sorry for the trouble. A quick fix you can do here is use the !important override to make sure your CSS gets applied.

    a { color: red !important; }



    Thank you, it worked. I have added #top and !important to every value in my style.css for the future.

    But there is a new bug (?) after the update to ver. 3.2 that I could not trace. I want my left menu to look like this:

    but on Hello page (and only this page) the menu looks like this:

    I had deleted the page (completely, Trash was empty) and created a new one. And it still looked like this. Then a have changed the name (not slug) and it looked like I have expected (with bottom border).

    Then I have added the content and it does not show the bottom border again! I do not understand what is going on. I have tried to change the name and it did not help. Sometimes it uses CSS values, sometimes not. And I could not figure out what triggers it to show the style.



    Hmm, not sure I understand. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea?






    On both of the links you provided the menu looks the same to me. You can give it some CSS like so to make it look more like your screenshot.

    .av-layout-grid-container .menu > li {
      border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1;
      padding: 10px;
    .av-layout-grid-container .menu > li.current-menu-item { border-bottom: 0px !important; }


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