I want to have a Menu Label that displays a list underneath and not have a page associated to it i.e. I link to the pages. Is this possible?
For example, at the the moment I have ‘Who We Are’ which is a page, with sub menu ‘About Us’, ‘Accreditations’ etc.
I would like to have just the title ‘Who We Are’ that is not a page (i.e. it does not go to a page when clicked), with the sub menu links.
I hope I have explained my request accurately.
Can you help please?
Thank You
Hey Neil,
Please go to Appearance > Menus and add a new Custom Link with the pound/hash/number sign (#) as the URL. For the Link Text, use “Who We Are”, or whatever you prefer. Add it to your menu as parent menu item, and put the ‘About Us’, ‘Accreditations’ etc. as your submenu items. “Who We Are” will be not clickable and will display submenu items on hover.
I hope that helps!
Hi Sarah,
Perfect !!
Thank you so much :)
Hi Neil,
Happy to be of service! Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.