How can I make the Header scroll completely out of sight without losing the menu? In other words, I want the header to disappear as I scroll down and when it reaches the menu, it sticks to the top. So, if I was to scroll all the way to the bottom, I would still see the menu and then the content but not the header. If I was unstick the Header, I would also lose the menu when I scroll down – I don’t want this.
Hi wackyadventurer!
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by that, could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please? A screenshot highlighting what you are trying to achieve would help as well.
Best regards,
This is difficult to replicate because what I want doesn’t exist (that I know of).
Let me try and put this another way … I want the menu (which under the header) to “stick” just like the Top Bar (if activated) when scrolling down the page.
Hope this is a better description/explanation.