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  • #1151291

    Have a new project coming along and thinking about using and fine tuning the Photografy demo for it…

    However , the request for the menu should be looking like this…


    Any tips on how to do this..

    Thx in advance…


    Hey ver-ni,

    Can you please upload the screenshot to a service like Dropbox or and give us the link here.

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria…

    sure thing it is…
    Example Menu layout

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the update.

    Do you have an existing installation of the site? We might be able to provide css code to adjust the style of the sidebar navigation, but we need to inspect the site and see the current setup. Please post the URL of the site. Would you like the image to be seen under the transparent half part of the sidebar navigation?

    Best regards,


    Yes…it’s a test site, so feel to play around…

    Test Site

    Thx already



    Thank you for the update.

    First, we should disable the Performance > File Compression settings to regenerate the stylesheets and ensure that the changes that we are about to make takes effect immediately. We can then add this css code in the Quick CSS field to remove the header/sidebar background and decrease the left margin of the main container to 150px. You may need to adjust the maximum width of the layer slider after adding the css code.

    .header_color .header_bg, .header_color .main_menu ul ul, .header_color .main_menu .menu ul li a, .header_color .pointer_arrow_wrap .pointer_arrow, .header_color .avia_mega_div, .header_color .av-subnav-menu > li ul, .header_color .av-subnav-menu a {
        background-color: transparent;
        color: #808080;
    .html_header_left #main {
        margin-left: 150px;

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael

    Thx for the update

    I’ve made the changes, ….but I dont see any difference…it’s stiil a rectangular, not a “half part”…sloping side…like in the example

    Also de left margin to 150 results that the pages show content under the left container..pls check page Blog

    Example layout

    Many thx for the support

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by ver-ni.


    Thank you for the update.

    You might be able to create the sloped edge by creating a pseudo element inside the header container, then apply the “slanted” background or border to it. The following tutorials might help.


    Best regards,

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