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  • #1065773

    1) We cannot seem to get rid of the rollover action on the main top menu
    2) The mega menu does not display the dividers lines between columns… not sure why, any thoughts?
    3) When viewing on smaller displays the full mega menu items are not seen nor can you scroll down to view them.

    You help with these issues as always is greatly appreciated.




    Hey So Evolve,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    We’ve fixed everything but the mega menu scroll issue. See image at https://cl.ly/7d4a9c829dce


    Could you please review the site and provide assistance with the non-scrolling problem with the use of the “Mega Menu” on the Locations Menu Tab.

    We know the Mega Menu has scrolling capabilities as we have used in on other occasions, even on this site it once worked but has stopped for some reason.





    Thanks for the update.

    Did you move the site? It’s not loading properly. For the mega menu, please try this css code:

    #header .avia_mega_div {
        overflow-y: scroll;

    It should add a scroll bar to the mega menu container.

    Best regards,


    Yes, we just moved it to its home:

    see below info


    We’ve added the above CSS code to the site and it still will not provide scrolling on the mega menu…

    FYI – We’ve had to create a different menu to use while we figure this issue out… Currently using a menu titled “Main Top Menu”

    The menu we want to use with the Mega Locations Tab is called “Main Menu”

    Need your help in getting the scroll feature working on the Mega Menu!!!!!


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by So Evolve.


    I’ve added the css code but it’s not working when the mega menu container height is not defined. I think the better solution is to create a page dedicated to the locations.

    Best regards,


    Will it work if we define the container height? If so could you provide suggestions for trying?



    One final thought and then I’ll stop bothering you… Can we use the mega menu on Sub-Pages? for example, instead of using the mega menu on the “Locations” tab could we use it on the Sub-Pages “Arizona” – “California” etc? So each State will have its own Mega Menu with Cities…




    You can define the height with this css code, but it will affect every mega menu container.

    #header .avia_mega_div {
        overflow-y: scroll;
        height: 900px;

    Unfortunately, you can’t add a mega menu to a sub menu.

    Best regards,

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