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  • #307965

    Hi mazerti!

    Please go to Enfold theme options > Header Layout > Mobile Menu > Header Mobile Menu activation and choose 990px.

    Best regards,


    hello Yigit
    I have the same problem. I activatedin : Header/mobile menu / Activate for mobile phones and tablets [ in the dropdown[
    however did does not resovel the issue
    the logo has the preference :full width

    ps: site: http://addvise.net


    My problem is resolved. I adjusted my logo. It is a bit smaller but legible. thus staying within the CSS parameters it works.
    secondly, I added alignment CSS from another topic that keeps logo and menu vertically aligned at the same height.



    Glad you figured it out! We will keep the thread open for OP. Feel free to start a new thread if you have any other questions or issues



    Dear Yigit,
    We have made the new update and are having the same problem but on a 24″ computer screen. Before the update the menu did NOT overlap the logo. Now it is. Please what is the problem? Also it seems that everytime there is an update we have double the amount of work to repair things.

    Thanks for some help here
    the clients website is http://www.tcm-tam.at


    Dear Yigit – resolved it – followed the instructions above. Thanks



    Glad it is working fine now. Feel free to start a new topic if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,

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