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  • #1264585

    Hi, my cursor doesn’t change to a hand pointer when I hover over a menu item. I tried to add
    .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { cursor: pointer!important; }
    to the css but that doesn’t work either. Really curious as to what triggers this since the needs to be a hand pointer.


    Hey sthensen,

    It works fine on my end. Please have a look at the gif below.

    Best regards,


    Wow, that’s really strange. I tried multiple browsers, only logged in on WordPress with Fireffox, and it didn’t show at all. But now suddenly it works fine. Must have been something temporarily on my end.. Thanks for the swift reply!


    Hi sthensen,

    It could have been a cache issue.

    I’m glad it’s working on your end now.

    Best regards,

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