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  • #1079322

    I use your theme both for my day job and a small business I run so I have a few sites running it. One thing I noticed is the main menu doesn’t appear if you have sub-menus under it. You can select the submenus and they open fine, however, the main menu won’t appear unless you keep your finger on it and wait till a new window opens that gives you an option to open in a new window. When you select this option is work however it opens in a new window, which is clunky.

    Have I missed a setting or something?

    The site is the details are in the Private Content sect

    cheers Kinnear


    Hey uychkinnear,

    Do you mean that you cannot go to the page that is the parent for sub-items?

    In this case, you can set your menu in the theme options to clone the titles.

    Best regards,

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