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  • #1073967

    Hi there,

    first of all, great Theme, love it. :)

    I’ve one problem left, before going online. The Menu on the page looks like this:


    The Start is the main page in the menu settings. The ABOUT is on the same page (START) but as section (#sectionID-about). So far so good.

    I’ve created several tour pages, which are listed as submenu of TOUR. So now it becomes tricky, when you are on the tour page and for some reason click on ABOUT, you will not get there because it’s a custom link for the START page and not working on other pages.

    You can use hardcoded custom links in the menu, but then all menu items are highlighted. Is there a way to fix that styling issue?


    Hey Christian,

    Could you post a link to where we can see this happening please?

    Best regards,


    The website is still in development so not free for everyone. I can put your IP or range on the list to allow it. The Link to the page is in the private section.

    Choose German as Language please (Austrian Flag), move over Tour and Choose “Kunstspaziergang” for example. On the page of Kunstspaziergang, you click on “Über Mich” in the menu, which is a section on the start page. So it’s not working anymore, unless you are on the start page. If you use absolute path in the menu, the styling is gone. All Menu item become highlighted.



    Thanks for the update.

    We can’t access the site, forbidden. Please ask your hosting provider if there is an existing security option or firewall.

    Regarding the issue, you have to use the absolute url plus the anchor, therefore instead of using “#anchor”, you’re going to use “”.

    Best regards,


    when using absolute paths, the styling is not working correct. All Links are highlighted, when using absolute paths.



    Thanks for the update.

    That should not be happening. Do you have a test page where we can see the issue? Are you using a fullwidth sub menu element?

    Best regards,


    can we make an appointment for a specific time, where you are available and I will loosen the firewall settings?

    tomorrow 14:00 ? 15:00? 16:00?



    Some of us, I included, are usually available around 9:00 AM GMT+8.


    You can find our locations here.


    Best regards,

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