I have a page “Projects” that has a portfolio grid on it with the sortable feature displayed showing the parent portfolio category and all of the subcategories. I have set up “Projects” as the parent portfolio category with other sub-categories under it like “Education Projects” and “Commercial Projects”. When you click on Projects from the MENU BAR, it displays all of the projects on the projects page. If you click on one of the sub-categories from the MENU BAR, I want to display the Projects page with for example the “Education Projects” displayed and make the sortable headings have “Education Projects” selected. How do you do this?
Thank you!
Hey lrobbins303!
You need to create a page for each sub-categories then add the Portfolio Grid element with their respective category selected.
I am dealing with something kind of similar, where I have sub-categories under the portfolio.
I want my main Portfolio page to, instead of showing each individual portfolio item, to show the sub-categories available. I’ve created sub-pages under Portfolio with their respective Portfolio Grid element added in.
So, for example, when the viewer clicks on Portfolio, that main page will display Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 in the grid (instead of the individual portfolio items). Then when they click on Category 1, they’ll see the Portfolio items grid.
Does that make sense?
Thanks in advance!
Sorry that is not possible with the theme. You can create a page, use an image element for each portfolio categories then link it manually to their respective portfolio category pages. Each portfolio category pages should have their own Portfolio Grid element configured to show specific portfolio items within a category.