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  • #326132

    Dear support team,

    I have done some CSS styling to the main menu and it works perfect on all browsers expert explorer.

    Normal: Here is the desired appearance on Chrome: http://goo.gl/gJGqCH

    Problem: On Explorer the green background of the menu item is half way empty: http://goo.gl/nMf57L

    The URL for the live website is: http://goo.gl/VWUVTB

    Will you be able to help me solve this issue?
    Thanks in advance!


    Hi InvivoGraphic!

    The screenshot links aren’t working for me but i’m assuming you mean the border radius on the buttons. If so, that isn’t something we can fix as its a lack of support from IE8.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin,

    Thanks! Yes, you are right. The radius issue was the problem on the Explorer browser. I have removed the radius CSS and it was solved.

    Thanks a lot!

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