February 12, 2015 at 9:54 pm #395365
Previous Thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/menu-bar-not-wrapping-around-on-ipad/
[fixed formatting with 2 quick css codes thanks to Yigit]Hi,
I created a Testing Environment with the latest version of Enfold and WordPress and the formatting looks terrible on a Desktop and iPad.
My Live Website (Enfold 2.1 and WordPress3.9.3) http://www.skloff.com/ looks fine.
My Testing Environment (Enfold 3.0.8 and WordPress 4.1) http://dev.skloff.com/ is all messed up:
– the menu is on the right and goes up and down the whole page
– the width of the page shrunk, the header shrunk, the phone numbr is tiny and on the wrong side
– the category links on the rigth side lost their hyperlinks
– all the posts are messed upPlease help. Thank you!
February 13, 2015 at 12:02 pm #395606Hey classywebsites!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Looks like you updated the theme from a very old version, 2.1. We added the header configurator on version 2.6 which makes multiple header layouts a possibility. You may need to re-create the header from scratch. Please remove all css modifications related to the header then go to Enfold > Header panel. Start by adjust the Header Position to Logo Right, Menu below.
IsmaelFebruary 13, 2015 at 11:45 pm #396053Hi,
Wow, I did not realize all the customization that works great in Enfold 2.1 would not work with Enfold 3.0.8. I am surprised Enfold is not backward compatible.
Can you please look at my http://dev.skloff.com/ Enfold Child: Stylesheet (style.css) and the 2 quick css codes; and let me know what to change/delete so http://dev.skloff.com/ with Enfold 3.0.8 ultimately looks like http://www.skloff.com/ with Enfold 2.1?
Thank you!February 16, 2015 at 10:49 am #396578Hi!
You can go to Enfold theme options > Header and choose to display “Logo left, menu below” option and header will look the same as v2.1
YigitFebruary 17, 2015 at 12:43 am #397179Hi Yigit and Ismael,
Per your intrsuctions, I changed and and saved Enfold theme options > Header and choose to display “Logo left, menu below” option at http://dev.skloff.com/ and the site looks nothing like http://www.skloff.com .
I spent a lot of time and effort getting http://www.skloff.com to look the way it does.
Can you please look at my http://dev.skloff.com/ Enfold Child: Stylesheet (style.css) and the 2 quick css codes; and let me know what to change/delete so http://dev.skloff.com/ ultimately looks like http://www.skloff.com ?
Thank you!February 17, 2015 at 12:08 pm #397396Hey!
Please update the theme whenever a new version is available to prevent this kind of issue from happening. We know that updating the theme should not break the current layout of the page but the header configurator vastly improved the header options.I think it’s better if you remove all the css modifications for the header or navigation. Go to Enfold > Header panel. Set the Header Size to custom pixel value. Adjust the height. There might be a few adjustments needed but let’s take it one step at a time.
IsmaelFebruary 18, 2015 at 6:43 pm #398373Hi Yigit and Ismael,
I will update to the new version each time in the future. Per your instructions, I set the Header Position to Logo Right, Menu below and I also set the Enfold > Header panel Header Size to custom pixel value and 194px to match http://www.skloff.com . But the width of the website, positioning of the logo and phone number are messed up. More importantly, the position of the menu and look created at http://www.skloff.com are messed up.Each time I tried to remove what I thought was simply the header and menu modifications it looked even more messed up. Can you please look at my http://dev.skloff.com/ Enfold Child: Stylesheet (style.css) and the 2 quick css codes; and let me know what to change/delete so http://dev.skloff.com/ ultimately looks like http://www.skloff.com ?
Thank you!
February 19, 2015 at 1:15 pm #398847Hey!
OK. I tried to make it look as close as possible, like the previous site. Now, you need to recreate the Enfold Menu because most of the pages are duplicated: http://dev.skloff.com/wp-admin/nav-menus.php
Not sure why that happened. Best thing to do is to delete the current menu then recreate it from scratch.
Best regards,
IsmaelFebruary 19, 2015 at 4:15 pm #398986Hi Yigit and Ismael,
Thank you for your help. I deleted the current menu and then recreated it from scratch so it had all the same items as http://www.skloff.com . Despite setting the Header Layout to Header display “Logo left, Menu below” (yesterday), the menu on http://dev.skloff.com looks nothing like http://www.skloff.com . The Header on http://dev.skloff.com is all messed up on the iPhone and iPad.
I do not know what to remove from http://dev.skloff.com/ Enfold Child: Stylesheet (style.css) and the 2 quick css codes so it looks like http://www.skloff.com . Sine Enfold is not backward compatible, maybe some modifications have to be removed to avoid conflict?
Thank you!February 19, 2015 at 4:21 pm #398991Hi!
Please apply the changes you have made on header.php file previously to helper-main-menu.php file which is inside Enfold/includes folder now. That should fix the vertical menu issue.
YigitFebruary 19, 2015 at 4:45 pm #399010Hi Yigit,
I did not make any changes to header.php . And do not know how or where to make the changes to helper-main-menu.php file which is inside Enfold/includes folder now. Can you please take a look?
Thank you.February 19, 2015 at 4:54 pm #399019Hi!
I see that you have header.php file on your child theme. If you have not made any changes on it, can you please remove it?
Best regards,
YigitFebruary 19, 2015 at 5:56 pm #399077Hi Yigit,
Upon looking at it again, i did make a number of changes to the header.php . When I temporarily removed all the changes and re-saved it the website was all messed up. So, I put the changes back. I still do not know how or where to make the changes to helper-main-menu.php file which is inside Enfold/includes folder now. Can you please take a look?
Thank you.February 19, 2015 at 6:04 pm #399089Hi!
What were the changes you have made? You can check the differences between old header.php file and modified header.php using this website – https://www.diffchecker.com/
Those changes need to be applied to helper-main-menu.php file basically.Cheers!
YigitFebruary 19, 2015 at 6:59 pm #399155Hi Yigit,
I used your helpful link and tested the header.php from http://dev.skloff.com to header.php from http://www.skloff.com and they are identical. I also tested them against the Parent Enfold header.php and they are a number of differences.
Is it the latter that you mean?
If so, do I simply paste the text from Enfold Child header.php to Enfold Child helper-main-menu.php and repalce all the text?
When in Enfold Child of http://dev.skloff.com I click Appearance and then Editor, on the right hand side I see 3 choices: header.php , headerz.php , style.css
I do not see helper-main-menu.php .
Can you please help?Thank you!
February 20, 2015 at 3:21 am #399408Hey!
You can just delete the header.php file on the child theme folder. The header codes on the latest update vary a lot so the header mod might be useless now. Please post the child theme’s header.php code on pastebin.com. We would like to check it.
Best regards,
IsmaelFebruary 20, 2015 at 3:48 am #399421Hi Ismael,
I’m a bit confused. Can’t you see the header.php of http://dev.skloff.com when you login with the Private Data login and p/w at the top of this thread? I left the header.php file for now. Can you please take a look? Thank you.February 20, 2015 at 3:49 am #399422This reply has been marked as private.February 20, 2015 at 8:56 pm #399871Hi Yigit and Ismael,
Where you able to see yesterday’s private reply with the link for the header.php code on pastebin.com ? Thank you.
February 21, 2015 at 12:02 pm #400043Hey!
Yes, we can see it but we have no idea about the modifications added on that file. We don’t want to mess up anything. Please get a copy of the header.php file from the parent theme folder then replace the one inside the child theme folder. Make sure to create a backup of the old file just in case.
IsmaelFebruary 21, 2015 at 3:06 pm #400075Hi Yigit and Ismael,
I put a copy of header.php file from the parent theme folder then replaced the one inside the child theme folder of http://dev.skloff.com . I also put a copy of the header.php of http://dev.skloff.com on my local hardrive before replacing it.
Can you take a look please?
Thank you.February 23, 2015 at 4:48 pm #400762Hi Yigit and Ismael,
Just wondering if you had a chance to take a look since I replaced Child Theme header.php with the Parent Theme header.php at http://dev.skloff.com ?
Thank you.February 24, 2015 at 8:29 am #401207Hi!
The dev site is looking a lot closer to your current site now, what’s the next step? Did you add a menu yet?
RikardFebruary 24, 2015 at 1:41 pm #401388Hi Yigit, Ismael and Rikard,
Despite setting the Header Layout to Header display “Logo left, Menu below” on February 19, the menu on http://dev.skloff.com looks nothing like http://www.skloff.com .
I don’t see any changes since February 21, when I replaced the Child Theme header.php with the Parent Theme header.php at http://dev.skloff.com . The white phone number on the right hand corner of http://www.skloff.com is not appearing and on the desktop, iPad and iPhone for http://dev.skloff.com . There is a large white border on the top and bottom of the header on the iPad and iPhone for http://dev.skloff.com .
Can you please take a look at Enfold Child: Stylesheet (style.css) and the 2 quick css codes? Since the upgrade to the new Enfold is not backward compatible, maybe some modifications have to be removed to avoid conflict? Thank you.
February 25, 2015 at 6:59 am #401868Hi!
Please check it now: http://dev.skloff.com/
For further modifications, please visit Envato Studio or Werkpress.
IsmaelFebruary 25, 2015 at 4:21 pm #402134Hi Yigit, Ismael and Rikard,
Thank you for your help in removing the large white border on the top of the header on the iPad for http://dev.skloff.com . There is now a large white border on the bottom of the header on the iPhone. The white phone number on the right hand corner of http://www.skloff.com is not appearing and on the desktop, iPad and iPhone for http://dev.skloff.com even though I input it on Header: Extra Elements: Display in top bar at the right. The phone number appears above the centered logo inside of the header on the iPhone for http://www.skloff.com .I left the Header: Mobile Menu: Hide Mobile Menu Submenu Items box blank but the scroll down menu that appears on the iPhone for http://www.skloff.com is gone on the iPhone for http://dev.skloff.com .
The photo on the header seems distorted (all the buildings are skinny and the bottom of the photo seems cutoff) even though it is the same file http://blog.skloff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/skyline-header1.jpg as http://www.skloff.com .
Please note: I always check http://www.skloff.com, then http://dev.skloff.com to see how all changes look at on desktop, iPad and iPhone at so I know what visitors will see. Can you please take a look? Thank you.
February 26, 2015 at 8:51 am #402517Hi!
I’m sorry but the restoration already cost us a lot of time. It seems like you’re depending on us to do all the modifications. Unfortunately, we can only do basic aesthetic mods but we can’t rebuild the whole site for you. The problem is, you didn’t update the theme regularly. You waited more than a year to do a single update. 2.1 was released on September 2013 while the latest version’s release is January, this year. A lot has changed since. If you want to the site to look the way it was before the update, please hire a freelance developer. Anyway, you can add this to the functions.php to bring the phone back inside the main header:
add_action('ava_after_main_menu', 'ava_add_phone'); function ava_add_phone() { echo '<div class="phone-info "><span>908-464-3060</span></div>'; }
Ismael -
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