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  • #1255269

    The site currently uses MegaMenu on several menu items and the submenus display correctly. I added a new page, and the submenus are not getting the correct width, so they are chopped off. When I look at the code (comparing the two pages) it looks like some style code is automatically added (?) and has the id av-browser-width-calc. When I look at the values in here I can see significant differences. In the page that displays correctly, there is:
    #header .three.units{width:257.5px}
    In the page that is not displaying correctly, it has:
    #header .three.units{width:25px}

    How can I get the other page to have proper values for these styles that seem to be automatically generated?


    Update: I figured this out, sort of … on the page that is not displaying the proper width, there was a full-width element (header-meta) at the top of the page that I had set to “display:none” . When this element is displayed, the submenus are shown correctly. So, is there a way to turn off header-meta and still get mega menu to display correctly?



    Thanks for the update. Your menus should work even if you have the header meta element on the page, I tried checking the problem page, but I got a 404 error. Please post a working link to where we can see the actual problem if you should need any further help.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Rikard.
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