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  • #1108155

    Hey there,

    I’ve got an issue with a site I’m currently building.
    My Mega Menu got a blank space above it. I want it to stick to the very top.
    I can’t provide you a link but I insert a screenshot.

    I would want it to behave like on this page: [URL=https://www.thermocon-coldchain.com/[/URL]

    I also want the mega menu to become solid when starting scrolling.
    I currently have this CSS in my Child theme:

    .header_bg {
        background: rgba(0, 137, 201, 0.4) !important;
    #main {
        padding-top: 0 !important;
    ul.sub-menu {
        background: transparent !important;
    ul.sub-menu a {
        background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) !important;

    Thank you for your help!


    it would be best to have a live site link. Give advice from a screenshot only is hard to do.
    btw. i do not see any mega menu on that example page : https://www.thermocon-coldchain.com

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    the site isn’t live yet. And I’m also not able to provide you a staging access.
    Well, the german menu says “Prä-qualifizierte Thermoverpackungen | Kühlelemente | Thermoboxen | Paletten Thermoboxen | Engineering | Kontakt”
    This is what we intern call the ‘”mega menu” or “main menu”. To be honest, it’s not really a mega menu, more of a main meu, this may was a bit confusing to you.


    Well, the menu of the screenshot is like this at the Kriesi site. There is a gap between the menu and the top of the page. I don’t want that. I want the menu to stick to the very top without a gap. And also to become solid (not keep transparency) when scroling.



    We have some custom modifications done on our web site, this is why you see this.

    Best regards,

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