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  • #874824

    Hello I am still having issues. since my last post 2 months ago.

    I have just now updated to your latest theme – just downloaded from themeforest.
    I am fully up to date with wordpress 4.8.3

    The Mega Menu does not work on a mobile phone. I have one of my main nav links “Destinations” set as a Mega Menu
    It does not show the sublinks under it when you click it…

    I though at this stage you would have fixed this issue with your new release – please advice asap.


    Hey niallbyrne,

    It is actually working on my iPhone SE, could you please clear the cache, check again and get back to us? Also test on other devices?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria – I had the mega menu turned off. I have enabled again so can you please check. I will need to turn it off in about 1 hours. I have the “Destinations” item now set as mega menu and it does not work on my Smartphone – Samsung S6
    Best Regards, Niall


    Hi Niall,

    Thank you, I see that now. Will have to investigate it further.

    Best regards,


    Any update on this Victoria

    I have disabled the mega menu but really need it turned on…



    I’m sorry but I don’t see any mega menu in the “irishrugbytours” site. Please post the login details in the private field so that we can inspect it.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the info. The site is still using version 4.1.2. The patch for the new menu script is available on version 4.2. Please upgrade the theme.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael. That worked

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