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  • #236377


    First of all, applause to the great theme. Indeed looks like the very last theme i will ever buy! Must say the Advanced Layout Editor is awesome! You guys won me right there.

    To the doubts:

    I am using the Mega Menu option on my site, and I want it to behave like the following:

    1. background color should be dark grey (#444)
    2. menus item should change background color to even darker grey when hovered (#333). Now is changing to RED, due to an example snippet from another thread, but it is also changing to red the Mega Menu Padding – weird…
    3. Mega Menus should be half transparent.
    4. First menu item should have green background.
    5. I want to change the font-family as well.

    The actual link is

    And it should look like this: (only the menu part…)

    Thanks a lot!!


    Hey Guilherme!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab

    #menu-item-8 {
    background-color: #7ac144;

    Seems like you figured out the rest!

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit!

    THanks a lot, it worked like a charm!

    Sorry for the delayed response, but I was up to my neck before the go-live – wich happended this past weekend.

    Please look at the finished result at – hope you like it.

    Also, I am still having problems with the Mega Menu, could surely apreciate some help! =)

    1. When you hover over the menu on the home page – and on the home page ONLY – you will notice that almost all sub menus are missaligned and the last one, “Pulbicações” (portuguese for PUBLICATIONS) is not showing up at all.

    The instant you enter any page of the site, other than the home one, the problem self-fixes. The sub menus all align perfectly and the publications sub menu reapears. It is actualy not invisible or anything, it is just so far right that in a smaller monitor it just wont show up. If you maximize the browser window in a 1980p resolution, you´ll get to see part of it.




    Please try adding following code to Quick CSS

    #menu-item-4254 .avia_mega_div > .sub-menu { padding: 20px 20px 30px; }

    If that does not fix it, please post a screenshot and show the issue you are having so we can make sure that we are on the same page.
    Your website looks awesome. I really liked it!


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