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  • #481785

    When you load the page under 990px, mega menu is shifting to the right at full screen or over 990px. How can I fix this issue? Thank you.

    (Google Chrome Version 44.0.2403.125 )

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by SeraBen.

    Hi SeraBen!

    It doesn’t seem to be happening on my end. What device and operating system are you using? I’m on Windows 8.1, latest version of Chrome.



    I tested this issue with

    Ubuntu 14.04
    – Firefox 39.0
    – Chrome 44.0.2403.125

    Windows 7
    – Internet Explore 11
    – Chrome 44.0.2403.125 m

    OS X Yosemite
    – Safari 8.0.7

    I’ve added another screen shot.
    Mega Menu



    What is your screen resolution? Is zoom set to 100%?

    If you have any browser add-ons / extensions then try disabling them.

    I’ll go ahead and flag this for the rest of our team to see if they see it on their end as I can not.




    I’m also not experiencing this issue, may we have temporary access to your website to double check?

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott, my screen resolution is 1366 x 768 and yes it is %100. I don’t use any plugin on IE and Safari. I’ve added another screenshot on Windows 8.1, IE11 from http://www.browserstack.com and I saw same issue on different pc. Did you load this page http://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/ under 990px width before change the browser size to 100% of screen?

    Hi Dake, I installed this theme on local server. But I can move it to shared server tomorrow.

    mega menu

    Thank you.



    I’m still not seeing the error on browserstack or the actual browsers.

    My screen size is also 1366 x 768 .

    Please try using a differenrt computer as a test.



    Hi Dake,

    I tested on different computer. And my friend tested too. I think there is a misunderstood. I recorded a short video. You can download it from http://www.erspek.com/enfold.zip Its a mp4 file.

    Thank you.



    This is how the demo looks on IE 11, Windows 8:

    Do you have any browser extension installed? Also, please check if javascript is enabled.


    Best regards,



    Alrighty I see what you mean now. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem because users generally do not open the site with the browser resized and then expand it but we’ll let our devs know anyway. Thanks for the notice.

    Best regards,



    thanks for the notice. did a little longer to resolve but we will add the bugfix to the next update


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