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  • #1305106

    Hello support team ,

    Could you please help me with changing the drop down mega menu heading size . If you see the size is not uniform for different headings .
    Where can i change the setting ? i even tried with quick css code , it’s not working


    Hey IDV,

    Thanks for the login token. I checked the product mega menu, but the headings there look uniform to me. Could you post a screenshot highlighting the problem please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard
    I added below code in quick css . Now it’s showing properly.

    #header .mega_menu_title {
    font-size: 14.5px !important;
    #top #header .mega_menu_title a { font-size: 14.5px; }

    I’m getting strange issues with the website. Please check the below links , it’s all redirecting to homepage . Suddenly it stopped working . I created contact-us page first , it stopped working so created another contact page with contact & that also stopped working .
    Finally I have created a new contact page which u can find in our website .
    I need to see why below links stopped working. I even updated permalinks . checked all redirection , but no luck .
    could you please try to create below pages again ? It will redirect to homepage .

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by IDV.


    Thanks for the update. I created a test page, please see private. I can’t see any redirections happing there though. Please note that there is no redirection functionality built into the theme by default, so it’s likely a plugin or custom code applying that.

    Best regards,

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