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  • #1228403

    Hi there, can I get a copy of the “meet the team” template you use on ? Or please point me to some instructions on how to recreate it on my own.



    Hey john_ma,

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria, thanks for the quick reply. Now I think I know: the Team color section is actually using testimonial shortcode.
    The “big numbers” color section explanation is also very helpful.
    I’ll try to implement these and will ask again if there’s anything I can’t duplicate.


    Hi John,

    Great, thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    About using av_testimonial_single for team members to be displayed as a grid, how do you move the name and title BEFORE the short description, and hide the link?
    I searched but didn’t find anything.


    Hi John,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    The site is still in construction and in Chinese language. I have a screenshot linked below to show you exactly what I want to achieve. Thanks.


    Hi john_ma,

    We need to see the actual css and html to be able to propose a solution for you. Please get back to us when you get the website to some testing server.

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,
    I used everything from the “testimonial grid” element, no custom changes made. So the CSS should be whatever was coded in the theme package. It’s the Enfold default demo site (not Enfold 2017) pages that I’m modifying, by the way.
    I also think this should be a relatively easy change, as the meta info is written into a string and you can change the order of the queries. I found one way to make “testimonial picture on top”, on the documentation page: (on the bottom). However, I’d like to have the flexibility of using the modified style only for Team pages, not all testimonial blocks.
    Hope this helps you to understand the question.


    Hi there, I’ve solved the problem. Now only the testimonial default grid block will show the Name & Subtitle before the Content. The rest (slider, boxed grid etc. ) will remain the original order.
    However, I had to modify the testimonials.php file (in the theme’s shortcodes directory) directly in the Enfold folder. When I put the modified “public function av_testimonial_single ” routine in the child theme’s functions.php, it broke the whole thing. What did I do wrong here? Please advise. Thanks.

    Below are the modified code if anyone else is interested in making the changes:

    //final output
    			$output .= "<div class='avia-testimonial {$class}' >";
    			$output .=		"<div class='avia-testimonial_inner' {$markup_text}>";
    			// starting modifications - JMa 
    			if( ! $grid || ( $grid && $grid_style != '' ) )  
    				$output .=			"<div class='avia-testimonial-content {$this->content_class}' {$this->content_styling} >";
    				$output .=				"<div class='avia-testimonial-markup-entry-content' {$markup_content}>";
    				$output .=					ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) );
    				$output .=				'</div>';
    				$output .=			'</div>';				
    			//append avatar first in a grid setup -JMa
    			if( $grid && $grid_style == '' )   
    				$output .=  $avatar;		
    			//the meta wrapper -Jma
    			$output .=			"<div class='avia-testimonial-meta'>";
    			$output .=				"<div class='avia-testimonial-arrow-wrap'><div class='avia-arrow'></div></div>";
    			//append avatar now if in a slider setting -JMa
    			if( ! $grid || ( $grid && $grid_style != '' ) )  
    				$output .=  $avatar;
    			$output .= 				"<div class='avia-testimonial-meta-mini' {$markup_author}>";
    			if( $name )	
    				$output .= 				"<strong  class='avia-testimonial-name'  {$this->title_styling} {$markup_name}>{$name}</strong>";
    			if( $subtitle )	
    				$output .= 				"<span  class='avia-testimonial-subtitle {$this->subtitle_class}' {$this->title_styling}  {$markup_job}>{$subtitle}</span>";
    			if( $link )	
    				$output .= 				"<span class='hidden avia-testimonial-markup-link' {$markup_url}>{$link}</span>";
    			if( $link && $subtitle )	
    				$output .= 				' &ndash; ';
    			if( $link )	
    				$output .= 				"<a class='aviablank avia-testimonial-link' href='{$link}' >{$linktext}</a>";
    			$output .= 				'</div>';			
    			$output .= 			'</div>';
    			//now append content in a grid setting - JMa
    			if( $grid && $grid_style == '' )   
    				$output .= '<br>';		
    				$output .=			"<div class='avia-testimonial-content {$this->content_class}' {$this->content_styling} >";
    				$output .=				"<div class='avia-testimonial-markup-entry-content' {$markup_content}>";
    				$output .=					ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) );
    				$output .=				'</div>';
    				$output .=			'</div>';			
    			//end modification by JMa
    			$output .=		'</div>';
    			$output .= '</div>';

    Hi john_ma,

    You need to copy this file to your child theme preserving folder structure testimonials.php and make your edits there.

    Glad you got it working for you and thank you for sharing! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Victoria.

    OK. That’s kind of more cumbersome than I thought. I’ll try.


    Hi john_ma,

    Please let us know if you need any more help or we can close this one?

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,
    Just a quick note: I’ve tried your suggestion–duplicate the folder structure (Enfold / config-templatebuilder / avia-shortcodes /testimonials / testimonials.php ) in the Enfold Child theme, and moved the modified testimonials.php file there. However it didn’t work. So I just restored the original file as I’m preparing to upgrade the theme.
    Is there any other modifications that needs to be done?


    Hi john_ma,

    Normally, it should work. You can have a look at the discussion here:

    Best regards,

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