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  • #1122515

    Newest version of WordPress 5.2.2 Medical Demo is not importing graphics or icons please fix. Thank you.


    Hey Webguy1234,
    Thanks for the login, I see that your webhost doesn’t have the PHP ZipArchive Extension enabled, this is needed so your site can extract zip files, please ask them to enable then reset your site with a reset plugin and try installing the demo again.

    Best regards,


    Hello I just installed Archive zip/zip set memory to 256mb max execution time 300 secs and running php 7.2 still does not import any images.



    Thank you for the update.

    Do you have a local server in your machine? You could try to import the demo in the local server, then transfer it manually to the live site.


    Best regards,


    No I do not. Why would I have to do that to import a demo that is supposed to be ONE CLICK? Can you please provide the demo import file which includes graphics and icons? Or import the demo for me? I have provided the login details.


    After a complete reset then trying to manually import the medical.xml file it imports everything but the images. Wp uploads folder is set to correct permissions. Something on your end?

    Failed to import Media “logo”
    Failed to import Media “medical-team”
    Failed to import Media “doc”
    Failed to import Media “dentist”
    Failed to import Media “”
    Failed to import Media “corporate buildings”
    Failed to import Media “Medical Report”
    Failed to import Media “doctors”
    Failed to import Media “boy-1”
    Failed to import Media “boy-2”
    Failed to import Media “boy-3”
    Failed to import Media “”
    Failed to import Media “”
    Failed to import Media “icon”

    Can someone please setup the Medical Demo on my website. I have provided the details above. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Webguy1234.

    Nevermind went with different theme. Dont have time for this. Thank you anyway.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Webguy1234.


    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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