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  • #986363

    I’m migrating the content of a Flashlight website to an Enfold website (currently in a subdomain until it is ready to fly).
    So far the installation is working, I need to work on the layout.
    Unfortunately I notice that the Media Library shows NO IMAGES, only empty boxes.
    – If I click on one of these empty boxes, the correct details are shown: URL (pointing to the file in the uploads folder) and Title, but no image..
    – In WooCommerce the products and their details (description, price etc.) are displayed correctly, only without the product image.
    All image files are present in the uploads folder.
    – I uploaded a dummy logo (Dashboard>Enfold Child>Options) – currently the only image displayed in the media library

    When I set up the website I created a new database and copied the content of the “old” DB into it (phpMyAdmin).
    The config.php has the correct name and password of the new database.
    I did a database repair [define(‘WP_ALLOW_REPAIR’, true);] – didn’t help.

    To me it seems that the references to my images and media uploads in the database might be broken.

    Do you have a suggestion on how to remedy the problem? (please find your login credentials in the private field)


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by bruwa.

    Hey bruwa,

    Here are some articles for you to consider

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria

    thanks for the links.
    However: been there and done the suggested procedures before. Didn’t help.
    I also tried a plugin. Did not help either.

    Meanwhile I manually imported all product images.
    – the product list shows the file name of the image, but not the image itself
    – if I click on one of the empty boxes in the media library,it shows the url of the image in the uploads folder, but not the image
    – on the “edit product” page, no product image is shown, but the link beneath the empty field lets you remove the invisible image
    – when I do this and upload this image again from the computer to the media library, the image is added in the top left position of the media library – AND the empty image container suddenly shows the image as well – so now 2 instances of the same image are shown in the media library
    – if I remove the “old” instance, both instances disappear (the newly uploaded as well as the old, previously invisible instance).

    So, the software knows the exact name and address of every single image (the uploads folder), but only shows it as an empty space.
    And when I upload the same image again, the software suddenly remembers the content and shows this image twice..

    Am I the only user to experience this?



    Hi Bruno,

    I’ll ask my colleagues to have a look.

    Best regards,


    As I read your posts above I believe that you copied your old database an inserted into a new database via PHPmyAdmin, unfortunately this is the root of your issues. The database is serialized so this type of migration is going to cause errors.
    Here are two suggestions, each with their own drawbacks,
    1: I would use the All-in-One WP Migration to copy your Flashlight site and install it to your test site, then install the Enfold theme and activate it. You may still need to adjust each page and product to make it compatible with Enfold, but if the majority of your products and pages used the default wordpress editor it should be ok.
    2: You could delete all of your images and then go to each page & product and re upload them so they are attached to the correct article and be attached in the database correctly.
    3: Use the wordpress export option with attachments, from reading above I believe you have already tried this?
    Sorry, there doesn’t seem to be a really easy answer for this, but you could create another test wordpress install on a different sub-domain to try out the first choice without risking the work you have already put in to your current test site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    thanks for your inputs.
    Yes, my first attempt was with phpMyAdmin.

    1) I tried the All-in-one plugin. However, I would need to upgrade to the Pro version (which costs a multiple of the theme itself), because the free version can only handle a very little volume of data.
    2) I manually uploaded the images (the media library now looks weird – so what)
    3) I tried the WP export option. No success.

    I’m surprised (and disappointed) to see that WP does not provide a solution that lives up to its promise.
    It took me quite some time (trial and error as well as research) only to be back at square one.

    Thanks anyway for your and Victoria’s efforts.

    Best regards,


    You are welcome, please feel free to open a new thread if we can assist in the future. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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