Tagged: ismael
is it possible to use pictures from a NextGEN Gallery when adding a picture via the Media Element Picture to a side or post ?
As far as I can see I can only use the WordPress-Mediathek? But as I already have the pictures in nextgen i have to upload them twice if I want to use the picture element. I guess this is a little bit unfortunate.
Thank you
Hey Volli,
I’m not sure how that plugin works, aren’t the images uploaded to the WordPress library as well?
Best regards,
Hey Volli,
Thank you for using Enfold.
Are the images not available in the Media > Library if you upload it using the NextGEN Gallery? What if you upload them to the media library first before using it in the NextGEN plugin. Please contact the plugin author for additional help.
Best regards,
No, they are not in Medialibrary when uploading them with NextGen. And to be honest I don’t want them in the WP-Media-Libraray…i hate the WP-Media-Libraray, that why i’m using nextgen ;-)
If the Media Element Picture can only use Media-Library it’s a pity but not really dramatic. So I will go on adding pics in the text-block element. There it’s possible to use Nextgen-pics
Thank you
I’m sorry but I don’t think we can be of any help with this because we are not familiar how the plugin handles or stores the images. Please contact the plugin author for additional help. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
as stated in my last entry it is ok for me. From my point of view you can mark this topic as solved.
Thank you for support.
Best regards
We are very sorry that we haven’t been able to help you with this issue. Thanks again for using Enfold.
Best regards,