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  • #556645


    I’m very surprised not to be able to find more people inquiring about this. My clients wonder why everything they do in the editor is formatted completely differently than the live site outputs it. I would like to be able to style the editor so that it truly is WYSIWYG – not WYSIWTEWYTS (what you see is what the editor wants you to see).

    Is there a style sheet for the editor display in Enfold?

    …and yes, I’m very aware that I may be missing something really basic – in fact, I hope I am ;-)

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by lightsites.

    Hi lightsites!

    Not sure I understand. Take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.



    Thank you – I figured it out:
    Added add_editor_style() to child theme’s functions.php
    Created editor-style.css, placed it (via FTP) in child theme’s directory, and styled the editor. Now, the WYSIWYG editor displays, for instance, my Headers as the right color and size, body text is the actual site font, and is the right size, etc., etc., etc.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by lightsites.
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