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  • #706964


    I am working on a website and am using (or would like to use) the Masonry element with blog posts to display stockists and make them sortable by State.

    I did hide the title of the element as well as the date via css as they are not required. It all works fine until I add a hyperlink to the excerpt, then the sorting/filter does not work anymore. The posts just disappear when I click on a filter option.

    I will post the link to the page and access details below. Currently I did not add any links and it works. If you go in and add a link to any of the “Stockist” posts resp in the excerpt, it will stop working…

    Thanks so much for your help.


    Hey Corina,

    I get this error message when trying to open your login link: (see private contet).

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy

    I am so so so sorry… I gave you an incorrect link… the correct one below.
    Thanks again for your help.



    so I checked page you’ve provided to us and I can’t see any of the issues you have described. Filtering is working totally fine for me. Could you already fix it? if not please provide us a precise link showing the issue.

    However, deactivate all plugins to check if one is causing this issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy

    No I haven’t fixed it and the error is still there… it works as long as there is no link in the Excerpt… as soon as there is a link, it looks funny (the box) and it disappears once you click on the sorting options….

    1) Before you click on any of the filters, there is one called “Jessica Jones Living” (with a link and funny box compared to the other boxes without hperlink)

    2) click on “New South Wales” or “Victoria”

    3) click back on ALL and “Jessica Jones Living” doesn’t come up… it also should come up when you click “Victoria” as it is added to that Category, but it doesn’t…

    The reason is, because there is a link in it… as soon as I remove the link it all works…

    Thanks so much for your help.
    Kindest Regards,



    Please deactivate all plugins one by one to check which one is causing this issue and let us know if this solves the problem.
    In addition to that, please let us know if we are allowed to deactivate one or more of your plugins as well for testing purposes :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy

    I deactivated all except for WooCommerce (as I am not sure if that will delete all the entries we’ve already made….)… it’s still giving me the same issue…. happy for you to deactivate the plugins… I just started a full system back up… so all good.
    Thanks so much for your help.
    Kindest Regards,



    We found the problem in the masonry script. Please edit the config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > av-helper-masonry.php file, look for this code around line 543:

    				//set the html tags. depending on the link settings use either an a tag or a div tag
    				if(!empty($this->atts['container_links']) || !empty($custom_url))

    Replace it with:

    				//set the html tags. depending on the link settings use either an a tag or a div tag
    				if(strpos($this->atts['caption_elements'], 'excerpt') === false && !empty($this->atts['container_links']) || !empty($custom_url))

    This is a temporary workaround while we are fixing the issue.



    Hi Ismael

    Thanks so much for sending this through. We had a bit of a hold up on this and just got to test it today. It fixes the issue of the border being a different size around the post content… but the links and line breaks do not come through in the excerpt. What I would like to achieve is the following:

    // my client can add a new post in the Post Category Stockists. In the content of the post she adds a link, a line break and then the location (town, city, suburb) underneath.

    // I’d like this to come through exactly as that on the masonry.
    Link<br />

    // I disabled the title of the blog post to show and the date as well.

    // BUT the link in the shop name is disabled and so is the line break that I added.
    I tried to use the content with a “more” short code and I also tried to use the Excerpt box at the bottom, adding the link tag and line break with HTML.

    Neither seems to work and I am not quite sure where I am going wrong…. would appreciate any help. Thanks so much.

    The logins are below.
    All the best,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by cd2s.


    Did you undo the modification in the av-helper-masonry.php? Please do it again or post the FTP details here so that we can check it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Isamel

    I followed your instructions and the box is now like the others, but what is in the box should be an external link… if you look at the Excerpt of “Beyond Organic Wholefoods” you can see I placed a hyperlink in there… but it does not come through on the masonry.

    I did follow your instructions and replaced the code in the av-helper-masonry.php… but maybe I did it wrong….

    FTP Details below… thanks so much for your always amazing help. I really truly appreciate it.
    All the best,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by cd2s.

    Hey Ismael

    I think I found a solution with a plugin “Page Links To” …. will keep you posted. Can you please leave this open for a couple of days, just in case it’s not doing what I think it should …
    Thanks so much,


    Hi Ismael

    Okay, I got it sorted. The “Page Links To” Plugin works like a charm.
    So you can close this topi.
    Thanks so much & have a wonderful Christmas.



    We are glad that you found a workaround and thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas! :)

    Best regards,

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