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  • #402616

    Hi everyone!

    Is possible to change the masonry preview description for something i can customize without touching the original post body??

    Maybe, instead of standart description, change it for meta description? so in each post i can customize meta description and it will apear like description in the preview.

    is that possible?

    thank you very much!



    Hey Pauloflores!

    Your talking about the Masonry with blog posts correct? Not the portfolio AJAX preview?

    If so then when you edit your posts there will be an excerpt section which you can type a custom excerpt out for the post. If you do not see the excerpt field then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner of your screen and check it to display.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Elliott.

    lool! thank you very much!!!

    and sorry for that dumb question


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