April 2, 2016 at 12:51 pm #606952
Hey guys,
have a bigger problem with the order of masonry portfolio on my frontpage. What we found out is that for some reasons
the masonry isn’t displayed in the right order on frontpage if we choose let’s sayYes, display sort options
20 Post number
4 Columns
Display “Load More”- Button
Page OrderYou can see that especially with our 2 WHITE and 2 GREY TEASER PICS with the HEART at the front.
They are POSITION – 8,23,46,59,73.What is strange about that is, that Position 23 is not aligned with portfolio entry 23.
What is strange about that is, that the masonry repeats ONE of this TEASER pics.Can you lend a hand?
Another prob is the hover effect on the image in Footer Widget 4. Can you give a css code to surpressed that behaviour and just link from the image to a page.
Thank you so much.
Best Stephan
April 4, 2016 at 8:48 am #607446Hi handelsmann!
Thank you for using Enfold.
How did you enable the page order attribute for the portfolio items? It is disabled by default so you can’t use the Page Order option unless you enabled it.
add_filter('avf_portfolio_cpt_args', 'avf_portfolio_add_custom_fields', 1); function avf_portfolio_add_custom_fields($args) { $args['supports'][] = 'page-attributes'; return $args; }
The code above will enable page attributes for the portfolio items.
IsmaelApril 4, 2016 at 11:12 am #607484Hey Ismael,
thanks for direct response, but what options does this offer? Isnt the page order already there, when I send you this pic (attached).
I added your code to the functions.php of the child theme but there is no real difference.
LOOK AT PIC NO. 22 and 23. Is the same portfolio pic. If you choose any other option than the complete number the displayed order is by accident with repeats.
How can I fix that?
And would be nice if you can pick up the footer widget prob as well.
Best Stephan
April 5, 2016 at 11:54 am #608202Hey!
You are using an old version of the theme, so please upgrade to Enfold 3.5.1 and let us know if you still need help afterwards.
Best regards,
AndyApril 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm #608482Hey Andy,
updated the version but still have these two issues.
The order isn’t aligned with the order in the portfolio and the hover of the footer widget 4 is still there.
Can you lend a hand.
Thanks Stephan
April 7, 2016 at 9:13 am #609440Hey!
Thank you for the info. After adding the suggested code above, you will have to modify each portfolio items. Sort the items by adding a numerical value in the “Order” field. Only then will the Order By > Page Order option will work. Right now, the portfolio items are still ordered by date.
Best regards,
IsmaelApril 7, 2016 at 4:01 pm #609717Hey Ismael,
sorry – that doesn’t make sense in my head by now. There is and was a numerical order in the portfolio items and in the masonry options you can see on the attached png ORDER by PAGE ORDER – so help me why portfolio pic with order no. 20 isnt the picture on postion 20 at the front. And why for example the white teaser pic is repeated (first in 8) in picture on positon 75 from 82 complete.
Don’t get – be patient with me :-).
Best Stephan
April 11, 2016 at 4:33 am #610915Hi!
Sorry for the confusion and for the delay. After adding the suggested code above, go to the Portfolio Items panel then hover over one of the portfolio items. Click the “Quick Edit” link and you’ll see the “Order” field. http://imgur.com/xwCmzxJ
IsmaelApril 11, 2016 at 9:52 am #611082Hi Ismael,
yes – I know that and I checked them. They are all numbered from 0 up to 81. This is what I say.
And if you pls just take the white and grey teaser pics, they are not in the right order and so do others too.This seems to be when I choose numbers smaller then ALL or TOTAL.
The option in masonry is on ORDER by PAGE ORDER
Best Stephan
April 12, 2016 at 8:08 am #611736Hey!
OK. We are trying to login to the site but we are getting this error:
Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from web101.dehamd032.servertools24.de (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
Automatically report details of possible security incidents to Google. Privacy policyPlease contact your hosting provider.
Best regards,
IsmaelApril 12, 2016 at 11:52 am #611816Hey Ismael,
this is strange. Got in contact with the provider about this.
Can you pls try to check in at our LIVE-System (link attached) with the same login credentials and the same prob here.
that is adopted from the general picture behaviour. I want to supress it for the pic in footer widget 4. Just have a link to another site, without that overlay.Thank you so much.
Best Stephan
April 12, 2016 at 12:35 pm #611825Hey Ismael,
for the overlay I think it has to do something with that
.avia_transform a .image-overlay {
display: none !important;
}*Is thar right and can I specifiy that somehow for only the pic on the frontpage in footer widget 4 and not for the whole page.
Thank you so much for working on the portfolio order in parallel.
Best Stephan
April 14, 2016 at 11:53 am #613716Hi!
you can add page-id into the code, like in this example. For more information check this: https://en.support.wordpress.com/pages/#how-to-find-the-page-id
Best regards,
AndyApril 15, 2016 at 9:05 am #614640Hi, ok,
my fault to answer two question in one topic.
Is there anybody who could help me fast on the main issue, that the portfolio order in masonry doesnt work and check in in the live version. URGENT
Thank you Andy for helping out in issue two but the code
avia_transform a .image-overlay {
display: none !important;
} works on the whole page to not display the overlay and
.page-id-295 .avia_transform a .image-overlay {
display: none !important;
} doesnt work at all to supress the overlayBest Stephan
April 18, 2016 at 9:05 am #616183Hi!
The default sorting option is not working because of the Post Types Order plugin. We deactivated the plugin and the portfolio items are now sorted by page order.
IsmaelApril 18, 2016 at 2:00 pm #616478Hey Ismael,
that is great! Thank you so much. Awesome job.
Did you do anything else with portfolio?
What I found out is, that our hover from black & white to color is gone
for all the pics at the front.
For some reasons our programmed feature from codeable with
custom (fields) options doesn’t appear at the edit mode of our frontpage.
I don’t know if this causes the effect, but you can see it works
in our test mode.
And you would do me a great favour to help me on that
damn css code for footer widget 2 and 4 to supress that
image overlay behavior with hover – as this doesnt work:.textwidget a image-overlay:hover {
display: none !important;
}Best Stephan
April 18, 2016 at 2:04 pm #616486Hi!
I added following code to bottom of Quick CSS
#footer .image-overlay { display: none !important; }
Please review your website now
Best regards,
YigitApril 18, 2016 at 2:09 pm #616491Hi Yigit,
Killer! That works brilliant. Thank you so much. Made my day.
Any idea on issue one – this hover thing?
We had that working from black and white to coloured as it is in TEST
but it’s gone and probably its just a simple setting.Thank you so much.
Best Steph
April 18, 2016 at 2:40 pm #616521Hey!
Can you please once again elaborate on the changes you would like to make as i am not really sure if i understood you clearly? :)
Best regards,
YigitApril 18, 2016 at 2:58 pm #616541Hey,
yes for sure – we wanted to have a hover on the frontpage from black and white (default) to coloured (hover) for the portfolio pics.
It works perfectly in the test version (you find the links attached) but for some reason it doesnt in the live version.
I dont know if this relates to the issue but
codeable did something for us with Custom (fields) options and for some reasons it doesnt appear in the edit area for frontpage in the LIVE version but in the TEST version on the right.So I wondered if Ismael deleted or deactivated something for the portfolio-order-issue that leads to the status of disabled hover effect in the LIVE version.
Hope it gets clearer.
Thanks Stephan
April 19, 2016 at 7:42 am #617172Hey!
I deactivated the plugin and that’s it. I didn’t do anything else. Since we fixed the original issue here, we would like to close this thread. If you need more help with the custom hover function, please create a new thread. Thank you.
IsmaelApril 19, 2016 at 10:33 am #617270Hey Ismael,
thank you for your information and support on this issue. Awesome
Will open another thread for the portfolio, so we can close this one.
Best Stephan -
- The topic ‘Masonry Portfolio order and img hover’ is closed to new replies.