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  • #681290


    I’m trying the masonry portfolio with automatic raster (like in your sample:
    I changes the featured images for some entries to 1:1 format. Others have 16:9 format. But they still shown in one column. Not matter what I do.

    That is not really masonry :/
    What do I wrong? Please, help.

    Kind regards

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by paul_dekart.

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    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please edit the page, look for the masonry element then select the number of Columns.

    Best regards,


    Hm. This was not really helpful.

    I thought, the masonry should detect the number of columns automatically. Based on the featured images. In my case – it doesn’t. Or – it takes the original images, not the cropped. Doesn’t the theme support croping featured images?



    I’m not sure what you mean by croping featured image to be honest, what settings are you using for the element?

    Best regards,



    I have an image 16:9 dimension. And for featured image of an portfolio element I want to use just a part of this image in 1:1 dimension. This means “crop”. I do this “crop” by Manual Image Crop plugin ( Portfolio element shows a correct “cropped” image in admin panel (element editing), but masonry portfolio still shows the 16:9 image.

    Can you now understand, what I mean?




    It stays in one column because of the Size Settings and the dimension of the cropped featured images are the same (705×397). In the demo, the masonry’s Size Settings is set to “Perfect Manual Masonry” and the tags “portrait” or “landscape” has been applied to the portfolio items.


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