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  • #210090

    Hi Everyone
    Anyone point me to the setting to have the titles fold up over the images on the masonry portfolio
    as it is here



    Hi silky2013!

    On the settings when you add in your masonry element you can choose to display the title, title and excerpt or neither. Selecting the title and for it to show on hover will get that result.



    Thanx Devin

    The problem was, I was using the Full width Masonry not Full width Masonry Gallery..
    Switching to gallery gave me the effect I needed but now I have lost my sortable menu at the top and the doesn’t seem to be an option for it?



    They both have the option. For the Fullwidth Masonry look for:

    “Element Title and Excerpt
    You can choose whether to always display Title and Excerpt or only on hover”


    Thanx Devin

    Thanks for your response
    Sorry if I was not clear…
    I want to use the full width masonry gallery (as per you demo site) because i want the titles to fold in on hover
    but it doesn’t give me the option for sortables
    I have achieved the effect like your demosite but cant get the sortables like you have because there is no option for it.

    I have watched the video a few times?



    Make sure you are using the most recent version of the theme. Re-download it from your downloads on ThemeForest and then re-upload it so that the files are updated.

    There was a bug, which may be what is happening to you, where the sorting options wouldn’t show but has been patched recently.


    Hi Devin
    I just re-downloaded the theme and pasted it on my local machine… stop then restarted my mamp server but still no option
    can i send you a screen shot of what i have? (Options on Full Width Masonry Gallery)



    Its OK Devin!

    Sussed it! got it working.. thankyou

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