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  • #1038328


    I am attempting to create a portfolio grid from the Enfold 2017 demo. I installed the theme demo and have all the settings correct, but I am still unable to reproduce this layout. I am using a variety of image sizes, some are square. (1500×1500 px)

    I’m struggling to get the large square box (like the MacPro image in the demo, upper left corner) after adding *both* the landscape and portrait tags to my portfolio item, as suggested in this thread.

    I was able to get the landscape images to show up correctly, just not the large square double width and height. See link below for page example.

    Also, is there a good way to enforce a specific order for each portfolio item image of my choosing. In “Order by”, I see Page Order as an option, but where do I set the page order for each Portfolio Item?

    Many thanks in advance,


    My bad, I figured out my problem. Sorry to bother, this thread can be closed.
    – I had my Masonry – Size Settings set to Perfect Automatic Masonry where it should have been Perfect Manual Masonry
    – I sorted out my page order issue by numbering the portfolio item slug name with 01-, 02-, 03-, and so forth, then set “Order by” to Name (Post Slug)

    The portrait and landscape tags work as they should when applied.



    Hi Todd,

    Great, glad you found the problem and thanks for the update. I’ll close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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