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  • #894750


    Could you tell me which code I have to add to the QuickCSS to make the full-width masonry element on mobile behave the same way as an image with mouse-over effect?

    If you view on mobile there is always a caption with overlay over the images in the masonry. But if you view a single portfolio item on mobile there is no caption or overlay over the image but only when you ‘touch’ the image (and that’s what I want!)
    Is it possible to have images in the masonry behave in the same way as single images (caption and overlay on mouse-over) on mobile devices?

    With kind regards,


    Hey Hugo,

    Yes, but the single image does not have a link and so it just shows caption. If you click on the masonry image, you see the caption for a second and the next page loads. The user does not get to see the caption, it just blinks.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria,

    but now the masonry shows the captions and overlay on a mobile device. Can I get it to behave the same as a single image (als with overlay and title but not showing all the time on mobile, only when I swipe over it)



    Hi Victoria, i have exact the same problem.
    One the moblie version all the overlays are showing. Any solution?



    It seems that is an issue generally with our theme and while we have reported it, we are waiting for the new version to release for all the updates.
    We do appreciate your patience

    Best regards,

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