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  • #1352839

    Hi Team,
    Please check up these links with the zoom device.
    The problem:
    when the responsive technology set the masonry vertically, the titles detach from them. Is there a way to prevent this ? This would be the solution I would prefer, since the titles are more beautiful than with names (the second option).
    I tried a second option, i.e. to set images names so they appear as titles. But in this case, the images become smaller, and those having a longer name smaller than the others. If the first option is not possible, is there a way to force the dimension stability and make the inscription adapt to the images and not the opposite ?
    Thank you for your help.
    Kind regards,


    Hey HulaSlim,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried selecting a different Size Settings for the masonry element in the Styling > Masonry Settings panel? Selecting the Flexible Masonry should work really well to what you are after but you have to make sure that the uploaded gallery images have the same sizes and aspect ratio.

    Let us know if that helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    Yes, this was THE solution ! It does work really well, as you say, cause my images had identical dimensions. So the problem is solved, you can close the post.
    Thank you very much for your precious help !



    No problem! Glad to know that selecting a different size option for the masonry element helped. Please feel free to open another thread if you have more questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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