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  • #897829

    I have the Masonry Gallery set up so I can sort by categories. All of the categories I have listed are capitalized so they stand out more. I would like to have the “All” sort option capitalized as well so it looks like the others. Like this…”ALL”

    How can I accomplish this?

    Thank you for your help, it’s greatly appreciated.


    Hey Micheal0424,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .all_sort_button span {
      text-transform:uppercase !important;

    Best regards,


    That worked on the ‘ALL’ in the list of categories to the right, thanks!!

    How do I get the ‘All’ that is to the left by itself to be capitalized as well?

    Thank you.



    Sorry about that, please this instead:

    .all_sort_button span, .av-current-sort-title span {
      text-transform:uppercase !important;

    Best regards,


    That worked perfectly, thank you!!



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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