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  • #1220225

    I have imported a demo site ( on an already existing webpage. Now I see that the page “ has a masonry gallery where you can select the portfolio categories.
    So I wanted to make a new portfolio page with my items, and choose the masonry gallery but there is no tab “select entries” only the tab “select images”. Why? For the moment I had saved that portfolio-page as a “template” in the avia Builder. Is there any possibility to export that avia – template to my client’s live site? I still need that kind of masonry gallery for my clients site, but can not install a demo-version on a life-site…

    any suggestions?
    thanks for your assistance.

    best regards


    just found the solution: over Export Layout Builder Templates – and then reinstall on other webpage with enfold theme :-) so this post is solved and closed.


    Hi Sue,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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