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  • #1058219

    please see.

    This masonry gallery is completely f****** up.

    This the only code i used on the whole page.
    [av_masonry_gallery ids='296,936,855,848,845,827,826,823,822,819' items='-1' columns='flexible' paginate='pagination' size='fixed' orientation='' gap='large' overlay_fx='active' animation='active' container_links='active' id='' caption_elements='title excerpt' caption_styling='overlay' caption_display='on-hover' color='' custom_bg='' av-medium-columns='' av-small-columns='' av-mini-columns='' av_uid='av-jm0xzwd6']

    No – i cant give you access.
    Thats why i gave you the code.


    Hi Kischmi!

    We cannot see the text page without credentials, we get redirected to the main page.

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?
    Best regards,


    The redirection is not made by us- this issue is on your end (like so many other stuff)

    This the url withoz beeining converted by your script:


    now it works again but it was absolutely fucked up before.
    This unpredictable, irrational und unrepairable behaviour is one of the things why i dont like enfold anymore.


    Hi Kischmi,

    Thanks for your feedback however we could not verify this issue on our end.
    There are some factors that might be causing this like caching or some js files might not have loaded properly.

    Best regards,

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