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  • #1307520

    hi, im having this masonry gallery. Now i want the title to be displayed in the gallery total view below each pic.
    thats no problem, you can do this in the setting.
    but a soon as i open the lightbox i want the description to be displayed.
    but now i again see the title.
    is there a possibility to diplay the caption below the lightbox image and not the title again?
    best regards, jelle


    Hey jelle,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You should be able to add the title and description of the images directly in the Media > Library panel. Have you tried that? The lightbox relies on the title attribute, so placing the description of the image in the title attribute field should work.’


    Best regards,


    hello ismael, yes, ive tried that.
    the thing is:
    if you choose: show caption the caption is shown in the thumbnail gallery below the pic.
    if you click it the thumnail the lightbox will show the pic . Below it is the title.

    But when you chose the option : Show title
    the title is shown in the thumbnail gallery below the pic.
    as soon as you click the lightbox to open the picture , the title – again – is shown below the pic.
    Logic would be to show the description….?

    you could say: than choose Title AND caption…
    but first of all below the thumbnail i only want to show the title, and secondly than again below the lightbox image the title is shown, not the description.

    for now what i do is swapping the two fields.
    put in the title where the caption would be, and put in the caption where the title would be.
    feels a bit unnatural but i can work with it.

    thanks, jelle

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.


    for now what i do is swapping the two fields.

    Yes, that is actually what we are suggesting because by default, the theme displays whatever is the value of the title attribute inside the lightbox. We could change this but we have to modify the \enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\av-helper-masonry.php file.

    Best regards,


    oke ismael, thanks, you can close this ticket as far as im concerned!
    best regards, jelle



    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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