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  • #558527

    Hi, I am using custom CSS to fill in colored backgrounds for each post category in the Masonry format. However, I am not able to add a border between each one. When I do the color fills all into the border – like when using ‘large gap’. I only want the 1 pixel border. I searched for the CSS code but I can’t locate it.

    Here’s the custom CSS (which is duplicated for each post category):
    #top #wrap_all .post.av-masonry-entry.composting_sort, #top #wrap_all .post.av-masonry-entry.composting_sort .av-inner-masonry-content {
    background: #DCEEC0;

    That CSS works awesome! I just need some spacing when posts do not have a featured image or are the same color.

    Here’s the site – homepage (and one other page) has the masonry display:

    Much thanks – all new upgrades are awesome! thanks for making this theme the best – my clients really enjoy how user-friendly the layout editor is.


    Hi mediumstudio!

    You may need to use 2 – 3px.

    .av-masonry-image-container {
        border: 2px solid transparent;

    Just with how screens and pixels work 1px might not be viewable at all times on your screen depending on it’s settings.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Elliott.

    Hi, the border goes around the images but not the colored parts. I removed the code for the time being. Can you suggest something else? Thanks



    Please try using the code as following

    .av-masonry-container a {
        border: 2px solid red;

    Best regards,


    ah sweet – that’ll do it – thank you!

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