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  • #1399223


    I’m using the masonry-galerie on a full-width (100%) website. Unfortunately, the gallery does not increase from a certain browser width and remains left-aligned under the slideshow (layer-slider).

    These are my preferences:
    “Perfektes Raster: Zeige ein Raster an, wo jedes Bild exakt die gleiche Größe aufweist. Dazu werden Bilder bei Bedarf gestreckt bzw. zugeschnitten”
    I have tried all the settings but there is no change.

    Many thanks!


    Hi, I am sorry. I have solved the problem by change the columns to four.



    Thanks for the update, I’m glad that you found a solution. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    you are free to close the topic. Thanks.

    Best regards,

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