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  • #1475945

    Hey there,
    We’ve just updated from Enfold v4 to Enfold v6 – however, one section is broken.
    We have a Masonry Filter in this URL: (in private content). When updating to V6 of the Enfold theme, that section breaks and just shows the shortcode:
    [av_masonry_entries_filter link=’portfolio_entries’ bedroom_tag=’post_tag,60,61,62′ storeys_tag=’post_tag,63,64′ design_tag=’post_tag,89,76,77,78′ default_storeys_tag=’post_tag’ size_min=’10’ size_max=’55’ sort=’yes’ items=’-1′ columns=’3′ paginate=’pagination’ query_orderby=’title’ query_order=’ASC’ size=’fixed’ gap=’large’ overlay_fx=” id=’testing2′ caption_elements=’title excerpt’ caption_styling=” caption_display=’always’ color=” custom_bg=”]
    And in the Avia Layout Builder, we don’t have the Masonry Filter element at all anymore (see images).
    Can you please let me know if this was removed? I couldn’t find any reference to it online anywhere? I tried implementing it into the new theme myself by copying the shortcode file to the legacy folder in V6 but that didn’t work.
    I tried using the standalone Masonry element too, but it’s not possible to get all the filters we have on the original one.
    Can you please let me know how we can do this with the v6 Enfold theme?


    Hey amym99,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    There is no element called av_masonry_entries_filter by default. It’s possible that this is a custom element created by the previous developer. Please contact the developer for more info.

    Best regards,

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