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  • #187310

    I’ve created a regular page called News. I add the Masonry content element to it and configure it to show all posts from the News category, but when I view the page, nothing shows. If I add the Blog Posts content element beneath it, it does show posts in both content elements.

    I tried setting the blog page in the theme options to News, but then it only shows the posts in the normal post format.

    Background: I am using the enfold child theme, which I installed before upgrading to the latest Enfold, 2.4.2.

    My site is I can send you credentials if you want to look at it as an admin.


    If I disable the Google Analytics for WordPress ( plugin, the issue is resolved. I thought it might be a javascript issue, but I see nothing in the console about it. This leads me to believe it’s a PHP issue.



    What were your settings with the plugin? We can try re-creating the same issue if it isn’t live on your site any longer.

    If you can put it live again so we can see the issue and inspect it that would be helpful as well.



    Right now, Google Analytics for WordPress is disabled and I’ve installed and activated Google Analyticator, but you can log in and toggle those to see the issue. I messed around with the settings in GAfW to try to find some that would work, but didn’t find anything that made them coexist in peace. I’ve cloned the News page to a couple new drafts for testing. After you’ve logged in, you can use that to see the issue. I’ll send creds in a private post.

    Works with GAfW Activated:
    Not Working with GAfW Activated:

    If you figure out where the conflict is and you think it should be handled by the plugin developer, I started a thread here:

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Actually it seems to be a bug inside the analytics plugin code. I found the cause and we’ll change the code on our end but it’s not a theme fault. The plugin breaks the filter link because it does not accept a ‘ quote sign for the href value.

    In /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/flexible_masonry_entries.php replace

    $output .=   "<a href='#' data-filter='".$term->slug."_sort' class='".$term->slug."_sort_button' ><span class='inner_sort_button'>";


    $output .=   '<a href="#" data-filter="'.$term->slug.'_sort" class="'.$term->slug.'_sort_button" ><span class="inner_sort_button">';

    and in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php replace

    $output .=     "<a href='#' data-filter='".$category->category_nicename."_sort' class='".$category->category_nicename."_sort_button' ><span class='inner_sort_button'>";


    $output .= 		'<a href="#" data-filter="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort" class="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort_button" ><span class="inner_sort_button">';

    and the analytics plugin should work fine. I’ll ask Joost to look into it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks so much for the fix for the theme, even though the issue is really in the plugin. I had a feeling it was the plugin, because another plugin that does exactly the same works fine with your theme.


    Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

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