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  • #346812

    Urgent Request

    I bought this theme for “masonry” blog display on home page.

    1. I have client request of blog display with 4 columns
    2. the images for masonry blog display shud have images picked up either from “set featured images”
    or from the images *maybe the 1st image if finds in content”
    3, The look of the masonry is,, some post shud have wide 2 column width
    some most should have 1 column.
    The images of these should be wide or portrait
    I know i can give “landscape” and potrait as tags to make use of this.
    but the issue is. that I dont want to specify this, it should be random ?
    4. If not random, then when I try to use the 4th option on the masonry blog display,,,’
    the images squash on home page when changing the browser window size, and on some cases the image totally disappears.

    I want the wide images should not get cropped by height at all.
    and i dont want the potrait images also not get cropped by height..
    basically i only want the “landscape” or “potrait” tags to be use but no cropping of images.
    I want them to be there all the time.

    Also the “gap” should allow custom settings. and also
    If possible i dont want the date to be displayed at all.

    I also dont want any commenting at all. …. on blog
    or single post… but i still want control.. over this.. individually

    basicalluy …and frankly..
    I love your theme options..
    but at some point when i started working …
    i want that … if there are no images also on posts…
    there should be something that i can upload dummy image to msonry blog so all post wihtout images should get this image.
    .2. somehow some random images also can be shown … 3 or 4 images…
    like wordpress plugin … search … where random images are shown .. if the plugin does not have a featured image.

    so please try this …
    I need it..

    All i need right now is .. a better view of masonry..
    I dont like what is happening..

    lastly … i am using escerpt … so some of these post dont have a good number of characters.. in excerpt .. but i dont want full post to display.. any solution ?
    Thanks a bunch

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by consultnew.

    Hey consult!

    It’s hard to understand from your questions. Can you send us a link to your masonry gallery? You can mark your reply as private if you wish.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the screenshots.

    I’m sorry but if you don’t want to specify the landscape or the portrait tag, you’ll need to modify the masonry script which is far beyond the scope of support. Please hire a freelance developer to configure the masonry element or utilize the landscape / portrait tags.

    If you want to manually control the comment box, edit the post then look for Screen Options. Enable the the Discussion box then unchecked the Allow comments option. Use this on Quick CSS to remove the date:

    span.av-masonry-date.meta-color.updated {
    display: none !important;

    Please consult a freelance developer if you don’t like the look of the masonry blog. Or visit Envato Studio or Werkpress for further modifications.

    Best regards,

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