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  • #1069550

    Dear Support,

    I am using a masonry grid for my portfolio page of my website, however I am having a problem with resolution.

    My images are very high resolution, and in general they appear very nicely – however, when an image extends, to take the space of two boxes so to speak (because it is longer in the x dimension) the resolution decreases and it no longer is pleasing to look at.

    Is there a simple fix here? If not I will have to revert them all to being the same size, which is a shame as I like this ‘block’ pattern.

    Kind regards,



    Hey Oliver,

    I couldn’t see anything like that on the front page, where can we see the problem happening?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    This is happening on my portfolio page.

    Kind regards,




    I have checked the page right now and I couldnt see the issue at it, is it fixed?

    Best regards,


    Dear Basilis,

    The problem still persists. I am using the chrome browser, and it is only very slight, but being a perfectionist I can not help but notice it.

    They larger images are just an every so slightly lower resolution, so they lose their crisp nature, so to speak.

    Kind regards,


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by oliverrees.


    I am afraid I do not see it – what browser are you using?

    Best regards,



    I am using chrome.

    Kind regards,




    I am also, but I can see that everything is normal and fine

    Best regards,


    Okay thank you Basilis. I will leave it as it is then. Thank you



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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