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  • #1356602

    The Masonry Backround Image uses the full image size – no matter what image settings I make.

    I want the background images to be only 300 x 300, so I set the image size accordingly. However, these picture settings do not affect the frontend – see screenshot:


    Hi frankeee,

    Thanks for giving us a screenshot.
    Can you give us the link to the page in the screenshot?

    Best regards,


    .. gladly! I give you access to the DEV- we have the same problem there. Please see private content.


    Hi frankeee,

    Thanks for providing us with admin access.
    I tried to regenerate the thumbnails using a plugin Simple Image Sizes (have removed it) and it was able regenerate medium sizes (300x300px), there were two images in the masonry that weren’t regenerated so I re-uploaded the image so WordPress can recreate the medium size of those images and it seems to be working properly.
    By default when chosen size is not available the full version of that image is used instead.

    Best regards,


    OK, that explains everything – thank you very much!


    Hi frankeee,

    You’re welcome :)
    We’re glad that we could help you.
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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