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  • #498883

    Hi Kriesi

    Thank you for a very nice theme.

    I’m trying to generate my own masonry with a Python program to show some trending products from an external source. But as you can see by the link below, that when inserting the generated HTML in a CODE-block – i am not able to get the fullwidth masonry – but only a 2 column masonry with big pics.
    I think i am generating the correct HTML and just need the template to wrap it right?

    So is it able to make some kind of template file that can include a HTML/PHP file with a generated masonry?



    You can scroll to the very buttom of the site to see what i would like to do.



    When using fullwidth elements the PHP will break the layout, insert the full width elements, and then fix the layout afterwards. If your copying the HTML and pasting it inside a codeblock then the shortcode is not actually being run so it’s not going to be fullwidth.

    To do what your wanting you will need to create a copy of the masonry shortcode in /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/ and edit it that way.


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