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  • #553302

    Using this bit of code picked up on your support area and it works great on this page to give layer and title.
    (Designer choice not mine), but what I don’t know how to find out is how to bring the file except into this effect too? perhaps it requires another snip-it css to get control of the excerpt? Thanks,

    .av-masonry-entry:before {
    content: attr(title);
    background: #db5d1e;
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    z-index: 1000;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 450px;
    opacity: 0;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 32px;

    .av-masonry-entry:hover:before {
    opacity: .85;

    transition: all linear 0.2s;


    It occurs to me what I need to know for support is what the attr for a portfolio excerpt is.

    I don’t think it is post_excerpt since if I use that in place of title I don’t get anything.

    Nor does it seem to be portfolio_excerpt

    So, I think I can use the code I have been using, and put the data I want into excerpt if I know what you call the portfolio excerpt data?



    not sure what you are trying to do. Can you provide us a mockup showing what you want to achieve please? you can use or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Rather than use the designer dropbox which would require her to share with you I put the relevant info here

    I also annotated that page with more details and all the thread info.

    I do have a php coder who can step in since I suspect that the solution is more than css tricks can handle.

    Thanks so much for any advice you might have for me or Charles, my PHP maven.



    In the Masonry options there is one called “Element title and excerpt” which you can set it to display both the title and excerpt instead of just the title. Try using that with your portfolio posts. You can set the excerpt for each post in the “Excerpt” setting. If you do not see this then click on “Screen Options” in the top right hand corner when editing your portfolios and check it to display.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Elliott.
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