How i can install this MASHA script on Enfold theme? (http://mashajs.com/index_eng.html)
I try just insert script code to header.php, but it dosen’t work.
Hi Bearded!
Have you tried using the plugin? – http://mashajs.com/plugins/masha_wordpress.zip
Yes, it also does not work correctly.
Header falls below and there is a gap between the header and the top of the page.
And this plugin fo WP 3.*
I have WP 4.0
Except for that issues, does plugin work well? If so, please post the link to your website so we can take a quick look.
You can try contacting plugin author and they may help. If you would like to install it manually, you should download their CSS and JS files and place them inside Enfold/CSS and Enfold/JS folder and enqueue those styles and scripts using WP function – http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_enqueue_script
then adding the code to header.php file should work fine.
Best regards,