I want to display my blog post like this:
It means the text block raises an override a part of an image, and have the same margin to left and right. I try this and have a result:
My method:
1. I create a 1 block, which contains the text. And give it a specific class name “cangiuacollumn”.
2. I give this class CSS:
.cangiuacollumn {
margin-left: 15% !important;
margin-right: 15% !important;
width: 70% !important;
The problem is: It see the same in desktop screen, but in mobile I want it to appear like the page of Woo, It means: It only has only small margin left and right, not the huge margin like my page.
Can you help me?
Thank you for contacting us.
reduce the left and right gaps in mobile please use the below CSS.
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
.responsive #top.single #wrap_all .container {
width: 100% !important;
max-width: 95% !important;
Best regards,