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  • #1355784

    I have just added your new Parallax template to Enfold (the one at: When removed the header rotator (“Say hello to a … Enfold”) and view, there is a very large gap (about 200px) between the upper “Services” section and lower “About Us” section. When I Inspect with Chrome, it shows what appears to some sort of bottom padding within Services, but cannot be located.

    I am still working on local host, so I can’t offer you a link. I’m thinking that you already know this issue?



    Hey laptophobo,
    Thanks for your question, the #service color section has Margin-Bottom 80px
    while it’s inner columns have Margin-Top -80px for the overlap of the top section
    the header rotator column has the same Margin-Top -80px to take up the space under the inner columns created by the Margin-Bottom of the color section above.
    So if you remove the header rotator column try giving the color section above a negative Margin-Bottom.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for that solution. It takes care of the gap between #Service and #About, but the gap between #About and the lower grid row persists. I looked for a “-80” solution for a margin-bottom for #About, but there is no such feature on Grid. (Should I do it with CSS?)



    Hi laptophobo,

    Please try to change the #service Color Section’s margin-bottom to -180px and see if this helps.
    Just adjust the value as you see fit.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Yes, that is what Mike suggested and works for that section. But the sections below, which are grids, still have gaps. And I don’t see a “margin-bottom” element to edit. I suppose I’ll do it via CSS?


    Glad this helped, for the grid rows, each of the cells have custom padding, for example the left cell of the “about” grid row has this:
    while the right side cell has:
    Try checking each cell inside each grid row.

    Best regards,

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