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  • #1207313

    Hi All …

    I am trying to convert a regular contact form to contact form 7.

    Note the following code from the contact form 7 settings: (you can try them yourself)

    <label> Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name] </label>

    <label> Street Address 1
    [text StreetAddress1] </label>

    <label> Street Address 2
    [text StreetAddress2] </label>

    <div class=”flex_column av_one_half first”> <label> City [text City]</div> </label>

    <div class=”flex_column av_one_fourth”> <label> State [text State]</div> </label>

    <div class=”flex_column av_one_fourth”> <label> Zip [text Zip]</div> </label>

    <div class=”flex_column av_one_half first”> <label> Telephone — (123-456-7890) [tel tel-546] </label>

    <div class=”flex_column av_one_half”> <label> Your Email (required) [email* your-email] </label>

    <label> Your Message To Donna
    [textarea your-message-to-Donna] </label>

    [submit “Send”]

    When you run the form, note that City, State, Zip are placed correctly in the same row.

    However, when I try to put Telephone and EMail address in the next row, the results are unpredictable for those fields and all that follow.

    Can you help please?



    Hey Alan,

    It’s outside the scope of our support since it’s about the third party plugin but maybe you can give us a link to that page/form and maybe we can give you some things or code that might help.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I will try to send this to Contact Form 7 Support. I seem to have trouble getting to their site today.

    If you would like to see this problem, try this page …

    Go to plugins, select Contact Form 7 and Select the page Mask Orders 7. The code is there. if you run the page, you will see a demonstration of the problem.


    Hi ImaPappy,

    Best regards,

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