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  • #1019288

    Okay, I don’t know if this is possible, I usually make phone numbers clickable on mobile using html code like this:

    and I have done this within your iconbox element – but it doesn’t work – tried a couple of different ways. I love the look of this, so hate to change to a text box, but client really wants them clickable. Do you have an answer to this?

    Site is here – I have these icon boxes at the bottom of every page above footer:

    Screenshot Here:

    I’ve tried a couple of plugins too, no luck.

    Thank you for giving this some thought!



    Hey Eleina_Shinn,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    The phone link worked when I tried it. Is this fixed?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I just noticed it’s working now too… thanks for waving your magic wand! :))))


    Hi Eleina_Shinn,

    Glad it’s working now.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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