I have created a Mailchimp sign up form at headstudios.com.au/hsfast/. I have a field for ‘Message’ however I would like this to be a textarea instead of just an input field. Is it possible to do this? (I would like the user leaving a message to be added to the Mailchimp mailing list automatically).
Any input you could give would be much appreciated.
Hey HeadStudiosWeb,
Here is some info on the Mailchimp set up.
You might want to use a plugin to have more customizable Mailchimp signup or hire a freelancer to build the custom functionality for you if the docs do not help you.
Best regards,
Hi Victoria,
Are you able to tell me where I can find the code/class that generates the form and the jquery that processes it?
The code can be found in enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\mailchimp\mailchimp.php. Probably you want to use the filters located in line 502+ to replace the text field with a textarea:
$form_fields = apply_filters('ava_mailchimp_contact_form_elements', array_merge($form_fields, $elements));
$form_fields = apply_filters('avf_sc_mailchimp_form_elements', $form_fields, $atts );
$form_args = apply_filters('avia_mailchimp_form_args', $form_args, $post_id);
Best regards,